We have made really great progress since the last blog, as you’ll be able to see in the video. All the floor decking is in and there is great progress on getting the decks completed. We have to finish putting the deck joists in before we can start putting up walls. The guys had to use the crane with a bucket to lay down the floor joists, which would have been very difficult to do with the walls up. Take a look at the time lapse below to see the day they were working on the floor joists of the main deck.
Since the last video, we also had a long meeting with our interior designers, Eric Mandil from Mandil, Inc. I included a small clip of our conversation with Eric and Sean from Mandil about the finishes selections – from bath and kitchen tile and countertops to the wood flooring and ceiling beams and everything in-between – including the furniture.
The good news is that, with the exception of a couple of pieces of furniture, everything is selected and will be on order soon. They did a great job with the finishes and furnitures selections and think you and our future guests will love how it all works so well together and is comfortable and cozy. We’re excited for the day, about 5 months from now, when we shoot a video and write a blog about the day the furniture and accessories are installed!

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Very very cool!!